Monday, April 26, 2010

The Swifts -- Our Feathered Neighbors

We sit on the deck here a lot. A lot. To eat. To sun. To read. To knit. To chat. To check e-mail. Especially now that it's warmer, if we're at the house, we're up on the deck.

To keep us company, are the Swifts. They're a pack, swarm, family of small birds that cannot be ignored. One moment their floating on air currents, high above, subtly tipping their wings one way or another to steer. Next, they're swooping and diving, wings aflapping, making banked turns just over our heads. They get close enough we can hear their wings whoosh by, and when they're flapping, we can hear the flaps.

They fly independently, but often dance with their buddies, in twos, threes, fives, sixes. At any one time, we might see fifty or more, but sometimes there's only one or two. They tend to be out at our mealtimes (and theirs!), especially dinner, when the bug population must be highest.

We learned from JAdR that they spend virtually their entire lives in the air. The only time they come down is to nest. 80% of their lives in the air. These are not your average bird. Through some other internet sources, I've learned that they can (and often do) outrun thunder storms, flying hundreds of miles to avoid being rained on. They sleep "on the wing", up in the air currents. They were once thought to not have feet at all, but it turns out that they just have small feet. Why have feet if you're up in the air all the time?

We've come to enjoy the company of our friends, the Swifts.

As a side benefit to the Swift experience, I've discovered a whole new side of my cameras, that is the video piece. Now, I may be the last person on earth that's discovered this, but the video quality of these cameras is pretty swift. Susan and I also discovered a new use for the video. When we're out an about, and we want to remember something, and it's not something we can take a picture of, we can just record the other person saying it out loud. In a video file. Most people use the video for more creative things, but hey...use what you got.

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